April 20, 2020
Sogno Toscano
Grana Padano Pod with Bresaola and Melon

(Serving 4 People)

- Make the wafers. Divide the cheese into 8 equal parts.
- Heat a non-stick pan and pour 1 portion of grated Grana Padano DOP Sogno Toscano over it; distribute the cheese with the back of the spoon, so as to form a disk.
- Sprinkle with 1 pinch of pepper. When the cheese has melted, remove the pan from the heat, turn the wafer and cook for another 20 seconds.
- Prepare 7 more pods in the same way (alternatively, shape 8 equal disks of cheese, well separated, on a plate lined with parchment paper.
- Cook them at 440 Celsius degrees for 5 minutes).