This is a very simple and familiar type of frying that generally completes a mixed fry and which will in any case be very welcome for children
Golden bread
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 10 min of preparation, 10 min of cooking
Type of Cooking: Fritttura
Doses for: 4 people
- 200 g of stale homemade bread
- 1 glass of milk
- 2 eggs
- 1 handful of flour
- olive or peanut oil for frying

- The best bread for this preparation is the non-seasoned one [Tuscan, Neapolitan, Apulian, Umbrian, etc.] with the compact crumb that does not shrink once soaked. Cut it into slices about the size of a playing card and about 1 cm thick and remove the crust.
- Quickly dip them in milk so that they do not get too drenched, pass them in flour, and align them on a large plate.
- Pour over the beaten eggs and let stand for a while, until the bread has absorbed the egg.
- Put the pan on the fire with plenty of oil and when it is hot [180 °], dip three or four slices of bread at a time, pulling them up from the plate with a spatula or two forks so as not to break them.
- Fry a few minutes on each side, until they are golden brown then drain them, pass them on a double sheet of kitchen paper and serve hot sprinkled with salt.