August 27, 2020
Sogno Toscano
Cheese pancakes

Cheese pancakes
Difficulty: Average
Time: 30 min of preparation, 20 min of cooking
Type of Cooking: Fritttura
Doses for: 5 people
- 125 g of flour
- 100 g of Gruyère
- 4 fresh eggs
- 80 g of butter
- salt
- peanut oil for frying

- Pour a quarter of a liter of water into a small heavy-bottomed saucepan, add a pinch of salt and the butter into small pieces and put it on the fire.
- As soon as the boiling starts pour all the sifted flour in one fell swoop. Keeping the saucepan on a moderate heat, work the mixture vigorously with a wooden spoon until the pasta detaches from the sides of the saucepan, gathering into a ball and making a slight noise as if it were frying.
- Remove it from the heat and add the grated cheese, mixing well. When it is well blended, add the eggs, one at a time, beating vigorously and not adding the next one until the previous one has been well incorporated into the pasta [you can do this with the hook mixer].
- In the end the pasta will have to be soft but very consistent. Put the pan full for three-quarters of oil on the heat and when it is hot [170 °], using an oiled teaspoon, make some pancakes and dip them in the oil.
- After about five minutes, when the pancakes are well swollen and golden on both sides, drain them.
- Pass them on a double sheet of kitchen paper and serve hot or lukewarm sprinkled with salt.
- Excellent with an aperitif or as an appetizer.